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Setting Intentions For My New Year

Today is my twenty-second birthday. In some ways it feels strange to say that and realize that all my teenage years and my twenty first year are behind me, but I am also so invigorated by the idea of the growth that can continue for me in this next year. With this idea, I've decided to set some intentions and some affirmations to live by in the coming year.

  1. For your peace of mind, do not try to understand everything

  2. Be so rooted in yourself that nobodys absence or presence can destroy your inner peace

  3. You still have so much time to become whoever you want to be

  4. Old energy is clearing. New energy is entering. Good things are coming

  5. Stop shrinking into places you've outgrown

  6. Let go of the illusion that it could have been any different

  7. Do not let things that have hurt you turn you into someone you are not

  8. Energy flows where intention goes

  9. Life is far too short to spend it at war with your body

  10. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate



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